Day: December 1, 2021

  • A Hall of Fame Feast for Homegating Fans

    A Hall of Fame Feast for Homegating Fans

    (Family Features) Gathering your team to plan for a truly memorable game day at home starts with almost everyone’s favorite part of the festivities: the food. From meaty meals and zesty appetizers to sweet, long-lasting snacks, fuel your crowd with recipes that keep them coming back from kickoff to overtime. One superstar of the menu…

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  • Reclaim Your Health

    Reclaim Your Health

    Take charge of risk factors affecting your heart health (Family Features) Cholesterol – a waxy substance created by the liver or consumed from meat, poultry and dairy products – isn’t inherently “bad” for you. In fact, your body needs it to build cells and make vitamins and other hormones. However, too much “bad” LDL cholesterol,…

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  • Shifting Wellness Attitudes Shape 2022 Fitness Trends

    Shifting Wellness Attitudes Shape 2022 Fitness Trends

      (Family Features) In adjusting to the constraints of the pandemic, many Americans had to improvise where and how they work out. After months of adapting to a “gym anywhere” mentality and learning to accommodate more flexible workout schedules, this new fitness mindset is inspiring some larger trends for healthier living. “We’ve learned that wellness…

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