NASA Scrubbed Aug 3 Launch Attempt of Boeing OFT-2

The United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket with Boeingโ€™s CST-100 Starliner atop is on the pad at Space Launch Complex-41 on Aug. 3, 2021. Photo credit: NASA


NASA, Boeing and United Launch Alliance have scrubbed the Aug. 3 launch attempt of the agencyโ€™s Orbital Flight Test-2 to the International Space Station due to unexpected valve position indications in the Starliner propulsion system. ULA will begin removing propellant from the Atlas V rocket.

Pending resolution of the forward work, our next available launch opportunity would be 12:57 p.m.ย EDT onย Wednesday,ย Aug.ย 4.

For more information on the technical issue, click here.

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Source: NASA

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