Time to Catch up with the CUPIC Series

We here at CactusPix, like most of you, are lending our hand at social distancing. This doesnโ€™t mean that weโ€™re not working on projects.

Pre-production on the new series progresses and we will be giving updates on the developments as well as other projects on TNC.

Meanwhile, catch up with the current series Diary of an Investigator on YouTube. Check out season one and two. More episodes of season three are coming soon.

Visit: http://www.cactuspix.com/CUPICSeries2/cupic-series/

And check out our YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwisyysU7xjrB8NoKWvZC4g

For information on our new upcoming series, โ€œImminent Contact,โ€ check out the official page here: http://www.cactuspix.com/Imminent_Contact/


Source: CactusPix Motion Pictures, LLC

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