“For five years, our attempts at generational wealth and community empowerment have been thwarted by state-sanctioned exclusion, violence, and a Drug War 2.0 weaponized with oppressive taxes.”
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /PRNewswire/ — In response to the May 13 release of Governor Newsom’s 2022 California state budget, Supernova Women – an Oakland nonprofit that works to create opportunities for Black and Brown people in the cannabis space – will be hosting a Capitol steps “Down with the Taxes, Uplift the People” Rally and Press Conference on Thursday, June 2, 2022 at 2pm.
A powerful line-up of BIPOC cannabis stakeholders, policy makers, operators, and patients include: Amber Senter, chairman and Executive Director of Supernova Women, Nina Parks, activist and CEO of Gift of Doja, Chaney Turner, Executive Director of Beyond Equity, Malaki Amen, Executive Director of California Urban Partnership, Whitney Beatty, CEO of Josephine & Billies (South Los Angeles dispensary), and Maisha Bahati, CEO of Crystal Nugs Inc., Xóchitl Martínez, Chapter Leader of Veterans Walk and Talk Bay Area, Leonard Watkins of Anonymous Caregivers, Reese Benton, Founder and CEO of Posh Green Collective, Morris Kelly, CEO of SF Roots, and more.
Sen. Steven Bradford (District 35), author of SB1281 and SB1293, has voiced his support for the event via video, “Without meaningful changes to California’s cannabis tax policy, the industry is destined for failure, especially equity cannabis operators who are operating on a very thin margin.”
Organized by Senter, who spearheaded the November 29, 2021 Oakland City Hall Rally and Press Conference following the vandalization and robberies of 15 licensed social equity cannabis businesses as well as the January 13, 2022 #NODRUGWARV2 Rally and Press Conference with Origins Council, Thursday’s 2pm “Down with the Taxes, Uplift the People” Rally and Press Conference highlights three urgent asks of the Governor and the Budget and Finance Committee ahead of their July 1, 2022 budget deadline: repeal the excise tax for social equity retailers across the state, reduce the excise tax to 5% for all others, and codify a statewide definition of social equity for the purpose of establishing eligibility for the state excise tax exemption.
“Governor Newsom promoted Prop. 64 less as an opportunity for tax revenue and more as a historical opportunity for racial and social justice and economic empowerment — to remedy the damage of a drug war that had disproportionately criminalized Blacks and Latinos,” explained rally organizer and Executive Director of Supernova Women, Amber Senter.
“And yet five years later, California’s Black and Brown cannabis operators, many of whom voted for Newsom not once but twice – are literally sitting on the brink of extinction, due to onerous state taxes, while the Governor sits on a $100B surplus. Where is the racial and social justice in that? Without meaningful tax reform NOW, California’s few remaining BIPOC cannabis operators and social equity businesses will not survive, and the communities and patients they serve will not be able to access affordable and safe cannabis. This is a major health crisis today and a missed economic opportunity for tomorrow,” added Senter.
Under California State law, sociality equity programs, which are presently governed by local jurisdictions, cannot consider race or ethnicity as eligibility criteria (Proposition 209, 1996). The “Down with the Taxes, Uplift the People” Rally organizers recommend a new statewide definition based on 51% ownership of a cannabis company and either 5 years of residency in a low-income community disportionately impacted by the War on Drugs or having an immediate family member with a prior cannabis arrest or conviction.
“In 2020, 75% of cannabis-related arrests in Los Angeles were Blacks and Latinos, according to LAPD records. With Los Angeles’ majority-minority population, L.A. alone could help rewrite our state’s recent history of white operators dominating an industry that has physically, emotionally, psychologically, and economically imprisoned so many BIPOC people… but not without true tax reform at the State level that protects our vulnerable social equity operators and BIPOC patients,” said Whitney Beatty, CEO of Josephine & Billies.
The “Down with the Taxes, Uplift the People” Rally and Press Conference comes on the heels of Governor Newsom’s recent cannabis Tax Proposal, which maintains the 15% excise tax but changes the point of collection from distribution to point of sale beginning January 1, 2023, with the intention to increase it to 19% in three years.
“My great-grandfather was a sharecropper who bought his own freedom,” said Morris Kelly, CEO of SF Roots dispensary. “That’s the dream BIPOC California operators bought into with Prop 64, but the 26% increase in the excise tax will kill this dream, crushing my ability to turn a profit and compromising our community’s access to safe medicine. The excise tax gets externalized onto the end-consumer, which will only further drive patients to the illicit market where cannabis costs 40-60% less.”
“For five years, our attempts at generational wealth and community empowerment have been thwarted by state-sanctioned exclusion, violence, and a Drug War 2.0 weaponized with oppressive taxes. Eliminating the excise tax for social equity operators and reducing it to 5% for all others would foster prosperity and social mobility for BIPOC operators while protecting BIPOC patient access to regulated and safe plant medicine. We are nearly out of time, but the Governor and Budget and Finance Committee can still change this. Let’s hope they do the right thing,” noted Senter.
Join Supernova Women on the steps of the Capitol building, West side, on June 2, 2022 at 2pm for a Rally and Press Conference. Remote attendees may watch the Rally live via Facebook or Instagram.
About Supernova Women
Founded by Black and Brown women in 2015, Supernova Women is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that works to empower Black and Brown people to become self-sufficient shareholders in the cannabis and natural plant medicine space through education, advocacy, and network building.
SOURCE Supernova Women