BLUE SKY METROPOLIS is a historical documentary produced in partnership with the Emmy Award®-winning filmmaker Peter Jones (Johnny Carson: King of Late Night and the Peabody Award®-winning Inventing LA: The Chandlers and Their Times) as part of the PBS “Summer of Space” to commemorate the semicentennial moon landing anniversary. BLUE SKY METROPOLIS is a 21st century story that looks at the past, present and future of aerospace in Southern California from multiple perspectives including science, culture, politics, race, business, labor, environment and gender. The miniseries will consist of four one-hour episodes and is narrated by Tony Goldwyn (Scandal, The Last Samurai, Ghost).
BLUE SKY METROPOLIS is the untold story of how aerospace was central to the growth of California and its emergence as an economic power. The documentary miniseries focuses on the people behind the aerospace movement and will feature many of the current major players in the aerospace industry in California, which is the hub of modern day aerospace engineering. The aerospace century will unfold through the lives and words of the men and women who created it: John Northrop, Glenn Martin, Donald Douglas, Amelia Earhart, Howard Hughes, Walt Disney and Wernher Von Braun.
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