Category: astronomy
Successful touchdown on an asteroid.
the asteroid explorer Hayabusa2 touched down on the surface of the target asteroid Ryugu for sample retrieval
Odd sand dunes found on Mars
Just like Earth, Mars has sand dunes.On February 14, 2019, NASA’s Mars orbiter, Odyssey has revealed a large dune field that is shaped roughly like a hexagon on the crater floor in the Terra Cimmeria section of the southern highland region of the planet.
Opportunity Mission Ends
One of the most successful and enduring feats of interplanetary exploration, the mission of NASA’s Opportunity comes to an end after 15 years of exploring the surface of Mars.
Deflecting an Asteroid
Scientists are planning a mission, what they are calling the first planetary defense test. They plan to deflect an asteroid and alter its path.
Sunday night’s Super Blood Wolf Moon
It was overcast when I went into the backyard to see the rising of the Supermoon Sunday night. The super blood wolf moon. was due to appear.
2019 Full Supermoon Total Eclipse
The first full moon and the first lunar eclipse of 2019 will occur on Sunday night-Monday morning, January 20-21, 2019.
Mysterious Signals From Space, Again!
Astronomers in Canada have detected mysterious repeating signals for a second time coming from space.
NASA’s OSIRIS-REx Spacecraft Breaks Record After Orbiting Bennu
NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft carried out a single, eight-second burn of its thrusters and entered into orbit around the asteroid Bennu, becoming the smallest object ever to be orbited by a spacecraft.
Quadrantid Meteor Shower 2019 Coming Soon
Most meteor showers are usually named after the constellations that is their radiant point, the Quadrantids radiant point for this shower is Boötes.
Speedy Comet C/2018 Y1 Iwamoto Heading Our Way
There is a fast-moving comet heading towards the Sun and the Earth’s vicinity. C/2018 Y1 Iwamoto will be closest to the Earth around February 11-12, 2019