Category: astronomy
Every Point is a Galaxy, According to ESA
The Herschel Space Observatory, which is operated by the European Space Agency presented an astounding image. The image captured appear as if it were just a square filled with tiny grains of static. Then you realize that every point is a distant galaxy, millions of them. According to the ESA, each of these minute marks…
Searching for NEOs
If an asteroid is on a collision course with Earth, they will most likely see it first. We’re talking about NASA’s Center for Near-Earth Object Studies, which has now been in existence for 20 twenty years. CNEOS makes over 90 percent of the near-Earth asteroid and comet discoveries. It all began on March 11,…
Scientific Serendipity And New Moons For Jupiter
Scientific Serendipity And New Moons For Jupiter By Judith E Braffman-Miller Strange things have occurred in the distant domain of the giant gaseous planets that inhabit the outer regions of our Solar System. Far from our Sun, the four worlds twirl in secretive splendor where they rule over their mysterious kingdom of cold…
July 27, 2018 Sky Watch
July 27, 2018 will be a big night for sky watchers. Not only will this night be the nominal peak of the long running Delta Aquariid Meteor Shower, but it also will be shared by other spectacular celestial events. Yes, a full moon will kind of obstruct your viewing of the shower this week. There…
2018 Delta Aquariids
2018 Delta Aquariids… Yes, it’s that time once again… Time for A Summer meteor shower, the Delta Aquariids. Right now the shower is in progress,  and the Delta Aquariids run almost the full month of July and most of August, when they overlap with the famous Perseid meteor shower. Radiating from the constellation Aquarius,…
Fragments of Asteroid 2018 LA
On June 2, 2018, astronomers detected a small asteroid merely eight hours before it struck the Earth’s atmosphere. It was detected using the 60-inch telescope at Mt. Lemmon, which is part of the Catalina Sky Survey in Arizona When the asteroid designated 2018 LA made impact, it produced a terrific explosion when it disintegrated  30…
Asteroid Day June 30, 2018
ASTEROID DAY June 30, 2018 Today is the fourth annual International Asteroid Day. This day is now recognized by the United Nations, and it marks a global opportunity to raise awareness of the threat of numerous rocks zooming through space. Asteroid Day is held on the anniversary of the Tunguska explosion, when a small asteroid…
Asteroid Day Live | 48-Hour Broadcast
Beginning June 29, Brian Cox returns to host the first ever 48-hour global broadcast about asteroids & space. Bringing together asteroid experts, astronauts, policy makers and celebrities. This 6-hour Live segment from Luxembourg begins at 12PM CEST (6AM ET) on June 29. It will be repeated on June 30 and July 1. ESA and the…
Is ‘Oumuamua a Comet?
In the fall of 2017, we reported that an interstellar object designated as ‘Oumuamua had entered our solar system to much excitement. It is the first interstellar object to be detected passing through our solar system, and might have come from a double star system according to astronomers. Now, astronomers have made a new…
Will We Find Life in Alpha Centauri?
Is there life on planets in Alpha Centauri, the star system that is closest to ours? An abundance of dangerous X-ray radiation makes it unlikely for the one exoplanet that we have found so far. But, there is new data that suggests a better chance with any new planets that we have yet to discover.…