Planet Live shows us a live view of Comet Leonard.
On the morning of 6 December 2021 the comet was about 5 degrees from the star Arcturus. On 14 December 2021 the comet will be 14.7 degrees from the Sun and will quickly become better seen from the southern hemisphere. The forward scattering of light may have caused the comet to brighten to as much as magnitude 2.5, but since the comet will be lower in the sky, atmospheric extinction will offset much of the brightening.
C/2021 A1 has been inside of the orbit of Neptune since May 2009. Using an epoch of 1950 which is well before the comet entered the planetary region of the Solar System, a barycentric orbit solution suggests the comet had roughly a 80 thousand year orbital period. Therefore the comet had spent the last 40 thousand years inbound from approximately 3,700 AU (550 billion km). After perihelion the comet will be ejected from the Solar System. The barycentric orbit will remain hyperbolic after September 2022. (wikipedia)