Dogs Den Reemerges with Possibly the Worst Horror Film of 2022, If They’re Lucky

Three years ago, Dogs Den Films executive producers Curtis Johnson and Trenell Blanks produced their first feature full-length film titled Alien Domicile 2: Lot 24, released via distributor ITN Films, home of the Krampus movies click here. After a couple of trips to the Cannes Films Festival, the film would eventually land worldwide distribution and gross north of 17k from a combination of downloads, streams, and international licensing sales to CanadaChinaJapanGermanyTaiwan, and the Philippines. The film is available on Tubi, VUDU, Amazon Prime Video, YouTube, Google Play Movies, and many others. There was also an online niche and organic following associated with the film, and a quick Google search produced no less than 15 pages of content being viewed internationally. What is most telling is the number of platforms the films streamed internationally and the number of foreign subtitles. You will find over 150k views of the film on the Sci-Fi Central YouTube channel click here with over 500k followers, and other 113k views on video outlet Stadium Media click here and many others. With a 4.1 out of 10 rating on IMDB and over 1100 votes click here, it is apparent that Alien Domicile 2: Lot 24 may have slightly missed the mark of convincing 50% of viewers of its amazing potential. But still, 1100 people watched and took action, which according to Dogs Den Films, is a win. They say all press is good press, and this appears to be the case from official IMDB critic Jim Morrazzini, whose article states “Lot 24 as a whole looks good considering its budget, writer/director Curtis Johnson knows how to make a good looking film, he just needs to learn how to make an interesting one” click here.

Dogs Den’s Executive Producers

Make an interesting film? Not a problem as Dogs Den Films produces their next installment in the Lot 24 series, Lot 24: Haunted House. A horror film that loosely connects the first film with a new theme location and, of course, plenty of suspense and horror. The film is currently in pre-production with a tentative production start date of May 2022. With the success of the first film, Lot 24: Haunted House (tentatively titled) will feature a couple of familiar faces from the original movie, Trenell Blanks (Sheriff Po) and Shane Franklin (DJ). They will play totally different characters in the next chapter of the franchise. Lot 24: Haunted House currently does not have a distributor, but Dogs Den Films are in discussions with potential partners. “We understand what we need to do this time around to leverage the success and reach of our first film”, states Dogs Den Films managing partner Bobby Robinson. “If they stick to the formula and concentrate on solidifying their niche base, they just might do it again!”

SOURCE Dogs Den Films L.L.C.
