Essence of Wellness


Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

Essence of Wellness
By Maya Brill

Aravind Shiyaraman

In the article why fitness is the essence of overall wellness, author Aravind Shiyaraman begins by talking about what real fitness. He states that achieving fitness is actually not that difficult. And you can’t judge the fitness of a person by looking at someone. Someone who looks fit on the outside may actually be very unfit on the inside. There is more that goes into it. For example the health of your heart. This component is probably one of the most important aspects of overall wellness. This is because your heart is connected to so many things in your body. With a healthy heart you increase your lung capacity, have stronger bones, have stronger muscles, and other things like weight loss. So when you have a healthy heart, you are then on the road to a healthy body.

Aravind goes on to talk about the obsession with fitness now a days. He states that definition of fitness is actually the ability to carry out daily chores. This means without getting easily tired. While this use to not be an issue back in the days, recently it’s become very common to get fatigued from daily chores. That is why fitness has become so popular. Lack of physical activity and lifestyle diseases have contributed to the increased talk about fitness. More and more people need to find ways to switch up their lives in order to better their health.

So why is fitness so important? Because of sedentary lifestyle so common today, it has increased diseases. Although many people know that it is important to stay active, many people are unable to because of their busy lifestyles. With work and raising a family, fitness has been put on the back burner. But it is crucial with everyone get up and get moving. Heart disease is the leading cause of death. Things like stroke and diabetes all are connected to lack of exercise. In order to prevent these diseases get moving and try to stay as active as possible!

There are than physical benefits of staying fit. Although keeping healthy weight and preventing diseases is important, fitness also provides psychological benefits as well. The hormone endorphins are actually released when you exercise. This is the feel good hormones. Because these are released when you exercise, you mood will elevate. By increasing endorphins it can actually help fight depression, anxiety, and lack of self esteem!

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