Most animation films are comedies and almost half are made by female filmmakers
Most animations are comedies”— animation curator
NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES / — This years’ pack of animation films at the NYC Independent Film Festival is even bigger than it was last year. Eighteen animations made the cut this year, with an equal number being 2D and 3D. Eight came from female animators—an increase over previous years. And most are comedies, with a few using that genre for social or political commentary.
Aside from the United States, selected films came from Canada, Ireland, the UK, China, and Taiwan. And needless to say that origin did not play any role in the selection process. Our animation curator stresses he does not look at the filmmaker info until after judging the films.
So what does that bring us? A total of 1 hour and 41 minutes of film: 18 animations, all nicely rounded up in one screening session at the NYC Independent Film festival. Here’s the list:
Plaza Build 2:00
Goalie 2:02
Deep Fried Fingers 5:02
The Door 10:03
Mime Your Manners 3:21
The Box Assassin 2:42
Nowhere Man 4:33
The Last Known Interstellar Phone 6:50
One Day in the Forest 2:36
Little Hilly 18:46
Beautiful 5:39
Fear the Law 15:46
What Remains 3:25
Berry’s Voyage 4:54
For Stephanie 3:05
Dog Days 2:17
Mimi Says No 4:46
Babble Bubble 3:46