Sour Patch Kids is Saving Halloween In Your City

Sour Patch Kids

Due to COVID-19’s impact on traditional trick-or-treating, SOUR PATCH KIDS will deliver tricks and treats directly to the doorsteps of lucky families in 12 cities nationwide; the Kids will ride into one lucky city on a giant jack-o’-lantern mobile

The SOUR PATCH KIDS® brand knows Halloween will look a little different for everyone this year. But the Kids know you can’t really cancel spooky season – or candy’s favorite holiday. So, they’re taking matters into their own hands and making plans to save Halloween across America with a reverse trick-or-treating experience. And they could be coming to your city!

After a year that’s already changed so many families’ lives, Halloween is yet another event in 2020 they will be celebrating differently, with more than three-quarters of people saying the virus is impacting their celebration plans.1The biggest tradition in question? Trick-or-treating. With local government and health authorities actively cautioning against traditional trick-or-treating, many families are opting to celebrate Halloween indoors.

But even so, an overwhelming majority (90 percent) of millennial moms and young parents surveyed believe trick-or-treating is an irreplaceable experience.2 The Kids decidedly agree and have decided to flip the tradition on its head by bringing a reverse trick-or-treat experience straight to some lucky families’ doorsteps so they can safely celebrate Halloween from the comfort of their own homes.

How? On Halloween night, SOUR PATCH KIDS will hit the road to 12 cities to make special contactless deliveries of a SOUR PATCH KIDS Halloween package. The deliveries will include SOUR PATCH KIDS Zombies candy and SOUR PATCH KIDS branded toilet paper, because nothing screams Halloween like TPing your living room and wreaking some safe Halloween havoc indoors.

In one lucky city, the Kids will roll through the neighborhoods in a larger-than-life jack-o’-lantern mobile, shaped like the classic candy bucket. Hopping off their one-of-a-kind candy carriage, the Kids will personally bring Halloween tricks and treats right to families’ front doors, dropping the deliveries off contact-free while maintaining all proper safety measures.

“We know so many kids in the U.S. look forward to typical Halloween traditions like dressing up in costumes and collecting a respectable candy stash,” said Danielle Freid, Brand Manager of SOUR PATCH KIDS brand. “We’re hoping to bring the spirit of Halloween to American families with our reverse trick-or-treating experience as a reminder that there are still ways to get creative, have fun and enjoy treats – and tricks – in a safe way this Halloween.”

Want the Kids to come to your city? Starting October 8, fans can suggest their cities by heading to the SOUR PATCH KIDS Instagram page (@sourpatchkids). Based on America’s suggestions, SOUR PATCH KIDS will select 12 cities, which will be announced later this month.

While only one lucky city will get the visit from the Kids on the giant jack-o’-lantern, candy lovers in all 12 cities will be able to enter the Reverse Trick-or-Treat Sweepstakes on October 31 for a chance to win a special on-demand delivery of a SOUR PATCH KIDS Halloween package made right to their doorstep in conjunction with Fooji. Candy deliveries will be made within two hours upon receiving winning confirmation. To enter on Halloween day, fans in the 12 cities can either head to Twitter or Instagram. Simply tweet @sourpatchkids #SourThenSweetHalloween #Sweepstakes or head to SOUR PATCH KIDS Instagram to either swipe up on the brand’s Instagram Story or click the link-in-bio to see if you’ve won. Participants must be 18 years or older.

You can find more information about #SourThenSweetHalloween, including sweepstakes details and official rules by heading to SOUR PATCH KIDS Twitter andInstagram pages.

SOURCE Mondelēz

First-Ever SOUR PATCH KIDS® Store Opens in New York City

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