We hate to bring you bad news on a Friday – or any day, for that matter – but as you’ve likely heard by now, hackers gained access to personal information at credit reporting agency Equifax, one of the largest such agencies in America – or the world. Equifax CEO Rick Smith was quick to respond to the revelation via a YouTube video in which he apologized for the breach, which is thought to have affected 143 million Equifax users. Smith went on to say they are still looking into the incident and that it appears that no one’s credit scores have been tampered with, but the bigger problem is that the hackers made off with sensitive information including the holy grail of personal data, social security numbers. With that information, criminals can open fake bank accounts, apply for credit cards and essentially ruin a person financially. Smith said the hack took place over the summer. Equifax is offering those affected an assistance package of tools and credit monitoring, all at no charge. There’s a special website you can visit to check if your data has been compromised, and we strongly suggest you take Equifax up on their offer of credit monitoring and other help. Story: https://www.digitaltrends.com/computi… Equifax consumer help: https://www.equifaxsecurity2017.com/