In a world where eyes on screens means everything, one man has learned how to growth hack his way into infamy and financial freedom. Mark Lutchman, a politically minded African American content creator, has surpassed 100 million video views across his many social media accounts. He is the brilliant mind behind several popular conservative social media accounts that share political videos—which he monetizes.
Lutchman aims to teach others how to forge their own path towards success and financial independence. Lutchman loves to pay it forward and share his framework for viral content creation.
The social media influencer gained virality and a significant online following by creating buzz-worthy videos and headlines.
In his interview with The Daily Scanner, Mark Lutchman said that what he does for a living is “amazingly simple.” He described his line of work, saying: “I create easy to share content for millions of people every month, whether it be [an] image, video, or text.”
Facebook is his platform of choice, because of their monetization of videos. Lutchman often teams up with influencers with similar political tastes, creates viral content, and shares them on these celebrities’ pages. They then split the profits from the video views, which come from Facebook’s advertising dollars.
Mark Lutchman actively works with big names such as The Hodgetwins, Terrence K Williams, JoelPatrick, and many others.
“One of the best ways to grow in influence and social media stability is having a great network of people who share your niche and can collaborate with you in mutually beneficial ways,” he said. “Networking, community building, and content creation are in my opinion the three essential pillars of brand building.”
With this approach he was able to gain fame, and even put his family on the right path, financially. In fact, Lutchman has come a long way from his time working at a car dealership and a restaurant to becoming financially-free. He is now one of the most popular and followed conservative African Americans in the conservative political scene.
“I think what gives me the greatest sense of accomplishment outside of the political aspect is knowing that all the hard and consistent work I have done for the past four years paid off. I didn’t start off thinking I would build such an enormous brand and community, but now that I have, it’s very fulfilling to know that I had reached feats I didn’t think possible.”
For those who are looking to become an influencer and thought leader in their own industry, Lutchman recommends building your community and learning what works to engage them and provide value to them.
Lutchman shared: “I believe the essence of a viral post can be broken down into three main components: informative, engageable, and shareable. If your content is easy to comprehend with valuable information, is easy to engage with, & is compelling to share, then you have the three main ingredients for a viral post.”
SOURCE Mark Lutchman