Virtual Forum to Address Patient Testimonials Pertaining to Racial Disparities in Breast Cancer Survivorship

Fourth Forum in Series to Take Place September 8, 2021

The Atlanta-based nonprofit TurningPoint Breast Cancer Rehabilitation will host the fourth and final in a series of virtual forums addressing the subject of “Racial Disparities in Breast Cancer Survivorship,” one week from today on Wednesday, September 8, from 7 – 8:30 p.m. ET.

Virtual Forum
TurningPoint Breast Cancer Rehabilitation to Host 4th Virtual Forum on the Subject of Racial Disparities in Breast Cancer Survivorship & Outcomes, 7-8:30 p.m. EST on Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Virtual Forums

“Over the past year we’ve hosted a series of virtual forums to take a closer look at the magnitude and causes of racial disparity in breast cancer survivorship and outcomes and propose solutions to improve health equity,” said Jill Binkley, Founder of TurningPoint Breast Cancer Rehabilitation. “During this forum we will be hearing from three incredibly dynamic, gracious and courageous breast cancer patients who will provide insightful and moving testimonials about their own journeys, particularly as they pertain to racial disparities in breast cancer survivorship.”


Significant short and long-term physical and emotional consequences of breast cancer reduce quality of life for all breast cancer patients. Black women experience a higher incidence of these issues. Rehabilitation and exercise significantly reduce these issues, increase quality of life, and decrease breast cancer recurrence, but very few women and men receive this care. The lack of access to specialized breast cancer rehabilitation care is magnified in minority patients, resulting in even greater health inequity.

Consuelo Ross, CPN, President and Founder, Surviving the Odds, Inc. in Kansas City, Missouri, will serve as the event’s moderator.

The following patients will talk about their respective experiences:

  • Joy Jenrette, JD, BSE, Business Optimization Director, Metro & Infrastructure Division, BrandSafway
  • Tiah Tomlin, MS, Co-founder, My Style Matters
  • Krystal Gross, BS, Logistics Expert, Pink WarriorThe audience for this forum includes physicians, surgeons, rehabilitation professionals and other providers working in the oncology field, as well as stakeholders, patients and survivors, in health equity and breast cancer survivorship.
Patient stories will be the focus on of this final forum in the series of four

To register – registration is free – sponsor or secure more information, visit

Sponsors and partners include the Academy of Oncologic Physical Therapy, American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers (NAPBC), Henssler Financial, Alice Stubblefield Memorial Sponsorship, Blue Ridge Area Health Education Center, Champions for Change Sponsorship, JScreen, Georgia CORE (Center for Oncology Research & Education), Atlanta Business Chronicle, Grady Health System, My Style Matters and Beyond the Ribbon.

About TurningPoint Breast Cancer Rehabilitation
TurningPoint Breast Cancer Rehabilitation is a nonprofit healthcare organization that improves the quality of life for individuals impacted by breast cancer by providing and advocating for specialized and evidence-based rehabilitation while minimizing socioeconomic, racial, cultural and geographic barriers to care. Since it was founded in September 2003, there have been more than 40,000 patient visits.

SOURCE TurningPoint Breast Cancer Rehabilitation, Inc.

Black Health Matters Launches Breast Cancer Initiative In research Clinical Study


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