Produced by Aladino Productions, directed and music by Jean-Marie Benjamin, the film will premiere in the United States in Philadelphia.
Winner of 10 Festival Awards in the United States, Canada and Europe, the 96-minute film tells the story of two boys in the South of Italy, intrigued and united by the strength of friendship and the force of faith, embark on a journey in search of Padre Pio and his miracles. The life, traditions and culture of two families from Southern Italy. The incredible feat of two socially different boys in search of Truth.
Who was Padre Pio?
Padre Pio, born in Pietrelcina (25 May 1887 – 23 September 1968), was an Italian friar, priest, stigmatist and mystic, now venerated as a saint in the Catholic Church. He exercised his ministry in the small town of San Giovanni Rotondo, in the Puglia region of southern Italy and became famous for exhibiting stigmata for 50 years.
He had the gift of bilocation and to read in people’s souls.
With the offers sent from all over the world, Padre Pio had one of the largest hospitals built in Europe, that he inaugurated in 1956.
The film, which was broadcast in Italy on RAI channels, was presented in Rome for the premiere in presence of the Italian Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte and personalities from culture, cinema and the Catholic Church.
Andrea Solombrino (Luca) and Mariano Barnabà (Sebastiano), the 11 year old girl Karol Mazzei (Miranda), with Antonella Ponziani, Massimiliano Pazzaglia, Paco reconti, Gianni Pellegrino, Gigi Miseferi.
Jean-Marie Benjamin wrote and directed 5 films. He composed numerous works of classical music, soundtracks and pop music. He has written and published 10 books in France, Switzerland and Italy.
Open to the public, the premiere in the USA will be held in Philadelphia on March 12, 2020 at 7:00 the AMBLER THEATER, 108 East Butler Ave, Ambler, PA 1900
Website of the film:
Jean-Marie Benjamin website:
SOURCE Aladino Productions