Category: astronomy
LIVE | NASA Geminid meteor shower | 2021
space googlevesaire Stay up with us tonight for our live stream of the Geminid meteor shower. We are streaming from Huntsville, Alabama at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center. The Geminids come from the celestial object known as 3200 Phaethon, which is either an asteroid or extinct comet. The Geminids peak tonight in the overnight…
Geminid Meteor Shower Peaks Tonight!
December 13, 2021 It’s that time of the year again! Time for the Geminid Meteor Shower that peaks tonight. The Geminids are a prolific meteor shower caused by the object 3200 Phaethon, which is thought to be a Palladian asteroid with a “rock comet” orbit. This would make the Geminids, together with the Quadrantids, the only major meteor showers not originating from a comet. The meteors from this…
There will be some celestial action in the sky tonight. Not only is there a full moon in the sky right now, but there will be a partial eclipse that will start at 11:02 pm MST. This eclipse will be unique, it will be the longest, lasting about 6 hours. For more information about…
The Leonids Occur Tonight!
View this post on Instagram A post shared by STM Daily News (@stmdailynews) It’s mid-November and it is that time of year again, time for the Leonid Meteor shower which will happen around November 16, which is tonight and tomorrow, November 17. The shower occurs when the Earth crosses paths with the commentary debris…
November 2021 Partial Eclipse
On November 19, 2021, there will be a partial lunar eclipse. Lasting about 6 hours, this will be the longest partial eclipse within a stretch of about 1,000 years. The last partial lunar eclipse that stretched longer happened on February 18, 1440. The next time Earth will see a partial lunar eclipse as lengthy…
The 2021 Taurid Meteor Shower Starting tonight…
The Southern Taurids can be seen tonight. The Taurids are an annual meteor shower, associated with the comet Encke. The Taurids are actually two separate showers, with a Southern and a Northern component. The Southern Taurids originated from Comet Encke, while the Northern Taurids originated from the asteroid 2004 TG10 They are named after their radiant point in the constellation Taurus, where they…
It’s Time For The October Draconids! (video)
The October Draconids, in the past also unofficially known as the Giacobinids, are a meteor shower whose parent body is the periodic comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner. They are named after the constellation Draco, where they seemingly come from. Almost all meteors which fall towards Earth ablate long before reaching its surface. The Draconids are best viewed after sunset in an area with a…
Perseid Meteor Shower Peak
Don’t miss the #MeteorShowerPeak tonight! TNC on facebook:​​​​​​ twitter:​​​​​​ instagram:… Pinterest: Yes, it is time for the 2021 Perseid Meteor Shower! (video)
Yes, it is time for the 2021 Perseid Meteor Shower! (video)
It’s August and it is time for another round of the summer favorites, the Perseid Meteor Shower. The Perseids are a prolific meteor shower associated with the comet Swift–Tuttle. The meteors are called the Perseids because the point from which they appear to hail (called the radiant) lies in the constellation Perseus. The shower is visible from mid-July each year, with the…
It’s time for the 2021 Delta Aquariids(video)
2021 Delta Aquariids… Yes, it’s that time once again… Time for A Summer meteor shower, the Delta Aquariids. Right now the shower is in progress, and the Delta Aquariids run almost the full month of July and most of August, when they overlap with the famous Perseid meteor shower. Radiating from the constellation Aquarius, the…