Category: Science
When you’re traveling by air and when the sun is slightly behind the aircraft you usually notice something that appears on the clouds… Well, normally it’s a shadow of the jet appears out there. Suppose you were to look out the window and notice a glowing saint like halo around the shadow… This is called…
It’s April 22nd and it’s Earth Day
It’s April 22nd and it’s Earth Day. What is Earth Day? Earth Day is an annual event celebrated on April 22. Worldwide, various events are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. It was founded by United States Senator Gaylord Nelson as an environmental teach-in first held on April 22, 1970. Denis Hayes, who was the original national coordinator in 1970, took it…
Why observe Earth Day on April 22? |
April 22 is the date of Earth Day in part because of Arbor Day, an earlier observance. The focus of Earth Day 2018 is plastic pollution. Source: Why observe Earth Day on April 22? |
Late April is the Time for Lyrids
Late April is a time for the Lyrid meteor shower, which started late last night, April 20 until dawn this morning. The better viewing will be from Saturday night, April 21, until Sunday morning April 22nd. The Lyrids will more than likely peak. If not, try again on Sunday night until dawn, April 22 and…
Billionaires in Space: A Critique of Problem Areas
Is it problematic for billionaires to invest in space travel and space technology? Is it a means for escape from a troubled planet?
Construction Begins on a Full Scale Hyperloop
A Hyperloop is a proposed mode of passenger and/or freight transportationwhich uses a sealed tube or system of tubes through which a pod may travel free of air resistance or friction conveying people or objects at high speed while being very efficient. Toulouse, France — Hyperloop Transportation Technologies announced recently the first set of tubes arrived at their research…
Hyperloop Transportation Technologies Begins Construction on World’s First Full-Scale Passenger & Freight System
HyperloopTT announces arrival of the first full-scale passenger and freight tubes and a first look at plans for the research and development facility in Toulouse, France.
72 Bright and Fast Explosions(video)
Recently, a team of astronomers reported that they noticed 72 quick Fast-Evolving Luminous Transients that were very bright in a survey. These events may resemble supernovae in their ability to outshine an entire galaxy of stars, but, they fade away much faster than supernovae, on a timescale of days instead of weeks. The groups…
NASA Invests in Shapeshifters, Biobots, Other Visionary Technology
WASHINGTON, Â —Â NASA is investing in technology concepts that include meteoroid impact detection, space telescope swarms, and small orbital debris mapping technologies that may one day be used for future space exploration missions. The agency selected 25 early-stage technology proposals that have the potential to transform future human and robotic exploration missions, introduce new exploration capabilities,…
On World Water Day 2018, Colgate Asks People To Turn Off The Faucet While Brushing
Colgate Teams Up with Michael Phelps and Announces New Sponsorship of the #RunningDry Initiative to Share the Save Water Message