Category: Science
Sikorsky S-92® Featured in New Science Channel Series “Mega Machines”
STRATFORD, Conn., Jan. 2, 2018 — The S-92® helicopter produced by Sikorsky, a Lockheed Martin company (NYSE: LMT), takes center stage in the debut of the new Science Channel series “Mega Machines.” This debut episode airs Thursday, Jan. 4, at 10 p.m. EST/PST on the Science Channel. The engineering-focused show highlights the robust design and reliability…
SUPERMOON January 1, 2018
First Supermoon of the new year is slated as the largest in 2018. I caught it at moonrise.
Recently, astronomers have seen giant bubbles churning on the surface of a star beyond our solar system. This is a first in observing our interstellar neighbors. The bubbles are so huge individually, by comparison, that they would extend from our sun to Venus. These astronomers used the European Southern Observatory’s (ESO’s) Very Large Telescope to make…
2017 Arctic Report Card
Now in it’s twelfth year, the 2017 Arctic Report Card was released December 12, 2017 at the annual American Geophysical Union fall meeting in New Orleans. The NOAA-sponsored peer-reviewed report brings together the work of 85 scientists from 12 nations. The report shows the warming trend that’s transforming the Arctic region is persisting. The…
Mysterious Rock Comet Came Close to Earth
Mysterious Rock-Comet 3200 Phaethon came close to Earth Friday night, December 16, 2017 The 2017 Geminid meteor shower, by all accounts, was spectacular. It peaked on the mornings of December 13 and 14. The showers awesomeness was probably due to the fact 3200 Phaethon, an object that thought to be the source of the Geminids,…
Aerion and Lockheed Martin Join Forces to Develop World’s First Supersonic Business Jet
Aerial Joins Forces with Lockheed to Develop World’s First Supersonic Business Jet
Voyager 1 Fires Thrusters
After 37 years, Voyager 1 fired it’s thrusters after being dormant since 1988.
Will 2017 Be a Big Year for the Geminids?
The mornings of December 13 and 14, the Geminid Meteor shower peaks. The moon will be in a waning crescent and will only be visible just before dawn. Barring the effects local weather conditions, it should be a fine time for viewing the shower. Will 2017 Be a Big Year for the Geminids? Maybe. Here’s…