Category: Science
Boeing 777X Officially Starts Production
Boeing The journey begins: We’ve officially started production of the first 777X flight test airplane! Take a look as the most efficient twin-engine jet in the world starts to take shape. Explore our new 777X site to learn more:
Was there an Ocean on Ceres?
Orbiting between Mars and Jupiter, Ceres was first discovered and classified as a planet in 1801. In the 1850s, it was considered one of the largest of the little worlds in the asteroid belt. Astronomers re-classified Ceres as a dwarf planet in 2006. Oddly enough, it is believed that little Ceres, a tiny world that’s…
The Antarctica Is Getting Greener, Stay Alert
What if we have no food to eat and oxygen to breathe? Our lives could be so hard. Trying to survive will need some special skills which may leave humanity at threat!
Object Visits From Beyond Solar System
NASA reported on October 26, 2017 that astronomers have been watching a small body that could be an asteroid, or perhaps a comet, apparently from beyond our solar system, from somewhere in interstellar space. If that is indeed the case, it would be the first interstellar asteroid or comet to be observed and confirmed. The object…
Gravitational Waves Detected
What are gravitational waves? If you understand how a trampoline works, you’ll be able to understand what gravitational waves are.
Lockheed Martin’s LM-100J Program Achieves Another Milestone
MARIETTA, Ga., Oct. 19, 2017 /PRNewswire/ —Â Lockheed Martin’s (NYSE: LMT) LM-100J commercial freighter program recently marked yet another successful achievement with the first flight of the second production LM-100J aircraft Oct. 11. “The flight was outstanding and the aircraft’s performance was flawless,” said Wayne Roberts, LM-100J chief test pilot. “After this completely successful first airworthiness…
A strange event set off social media yesterday with news about the eerie red sky over the UK. The BBC reported the red sun and eerie sky that was seen all over the United Kingdom on October 16, 2017. According to weather forecasters, this phenomenon was cause by remnants of Hurricane Ophelia dragging in tropical air…
Surprise! Hidden Antarctic Ice Canyons
According to the ESA on October 11, 2017, its : and Sentinel-1 missions have discovered huge canyons cutting through the underside of ice shelves in Antarctica. The ice shelves act as conveyor belts, by which snow that falls in Antarctica ultimately makes its way back to the sea. Portions of the ESA Statement:Â The ice sheet…
NASA Pinpoints Cause of Earth’s Recent Record Carbon Dioxide Spike
WASHINGTON, Oct. 12, 2017 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ —Â A new NASA study provides space-based evidence that Earth’s tropical regions were the cause of the largest annual increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration seen in at least 2,000 years. Scientists suspected the 2015-16 El Nino — one of the largest on record — was responsible, but exactly how has…