Demanding Respect For Your Business!

photo of woman wearing eyeglasses

This is my first blog post in a long while. Today, I would like to talk about demanding respect for your business, in whatever you do. Whether you are running a blog, podcast, creating apps, craft beer, food, or even if you are mowing lawns. Whatever it is you are doing, this is your business, and your reputation, your blood, sweat, and tears got you some level of success to this point.

From my standpoint, any success that I have had with TNC.Network I can attribute some of it to help from my family and friends. My friends care about my business, are concerned about its failure and champion its success.

More than-likely, your friends do respect your busines, and at least understand how your business integrity and reputation are valuable, and important to your companyโ€™s future and treat it as such.

There are, however, times when this is not the case. A person who claims to be a friend and doesnโ€™t have your businessโ€™s best interest at heart.

Thinking about the work you put into your busines, youโ€™ve also considered this, your companyโ€™s branding. This shows your hard work and dedication. With you branding, you have, successfully and deservedly earned trust of your clientele.

If you are running a media business like a blog, podcast, or a video channel and you are dealing with sponsors, or you are receiving product to review, movie or theater passes, or you are getting press passes to cover special events, means that these venues and companies are entrusting you and your brand with their success.

With that said, lets circle back to friendship and respecting your business or brand. Running TNC Network, I worked hard on branding and the blogs reputation, when someone entrusts me with their branding it is important to treat it with the respect they deserve, with integrity and professionalism.

Letโ€™s focus on press passesโ€ฆ covering events for TNC, I occasionally get press passes for events, which means that the venue is entrusting my news-blog to cover the event professionally and as a member of the press. It is not, however, an avenue for someone to just enter for free, or act like a fake VIP and take advantage of a situation. Also, while at the event, we must follow the rules, no matter what you think about them or dislike them.

In 2018, I had an incident happen within our company where the person who supposedly representing us at a local event purposely didnโ€™t follow the rules and now, we are seemingly blacklisted from getting press passes from that venue. Lesson learnedโ€ฆ Good friends understand how important your companyโ€™s reputation is to its brand.

Now, I am careful with press passes and how I issue them within the company for coverage. I donโ€™t issue them for your benefit, they are for the companyโ€™s trust and reputationโ€ฆ Good friend realize that.

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