Whistleblower Pierre S. Freeman Enables Review of Rosicrucian Order AMORC’s Apparent Sacred Teachings

NEW YORK, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — Author Pierre S. Freeman, who spent 24 years in the Rosicrucian Order AMORC, as chronicled in his books, has now developed a website,  https://www.amorconline.com/categories/20171205_8 to give prospective and current members an opportunity to review some of the alleged sacred literature, which he claims are marketing tools to recruit new members and retain older members.

“The interesting thing about these so-called sacred monographs of AMORC is that they are written in a very clever and psychologically strategic way to enthrall and entrap susceptible minds. They make claims of providing wealth, power, and spiritual development to AMORC members. I feel it is important to save as many people from the grips of spiritual mind control techniques as I can. That’s why I have detailed these techniques in Prisoner and AMORC Unmasked and many other books. But I realize that I can reach more people, more effectively through the web than the printed word. The monographs I reveal in my website are essentially marketing documents based on a process I have explained in my books – remote indoctrination. You don’t have to be locked in a small room, physically abused and sleep deprived to have your personality fragmented and turned over to an organization that will use you simply for its financial objectives. The written word, if composed strategically and with real knowledge of the weaknesses of the human mind, can be the ultimate mind control weapon.”

Freeman’s Open Letter to Christian Bernard, the Imperator (Emperor) of AMORC, is included with the aforementioned documents, many of which have been recently rewritten by Bernard, to upgrade their marketing relevance from the originals composed by H. Spencer Lewis and his son, Ralph. The Open Letter describes key elements that readers can see clearly presented in the documents. The monographs reveal claims that scarcely hide the organization’s attempt to court membership by making them able to perform paranormal feats, some bordering on black magic. Members are shown to use occult powers to assume control over a victim’s consciousness for personal enrichment or to brazenly control the decision-making of world leaders. They also contain a medical protocol to treat disease with a combination of breathing and laying on of hands without providing the slightest evidence of success, allowing members to become a kind of mail order medical practitioners. It is quite true that various churches do practice the laying on of hands, but these methods are not wrapped in exaggerated claims of being the only authentic spiritual organization in the world as AMORC does. During Freeman’s long membership, he has never seen any evidence of these healing methodologies “being put to the test and confirmed by scientists who are Rosicrucians.” Neither has he seen real evidence of telepathic contact, the ability to become invisible, the power of communicating with the dead, and any other claims presented in the writing he has presented on https://amorconline.com/categories/20171205_8.

People can acquire free access to all documents on the site by using the Promo Code, 3freedays. You don’t need credit cards, just the energy and curiosity to explore, analyze and review one’s desire to join or remain a member in the alleged Ancient Order.

Misdirecting Sacred Literature; People can acquire free access to all documents on the site by using the Promo Code, 3freedays. You don’t need credit cards, just the energy and curiosity to explore, analyze and review one’s desire to join or remain a member in the alleged Ancient Order. (PRNewsfoto/Pierre S. Freeman)

SOURCE Pierre S. Freeman