Black Comedy TRIBES To Have Its International Premiere At The Academy Qualifying REGARD Film Festival.

A Funny Short About Inclusion, Diversity and Self-Identity


(Los Angeles, CA) – February 19, 2020. The Academy Qualifying film festival REGARD announced today that they will be hosting the International Premiere of Nino Aldi’s role-reversal comedy Tribes. The festival will take place from March 11th to the 15th in Saguenay, Quebec, Canada.

The moving and funny short film written by Andy Marlatt and starring DeStorm Power (Punk’d), Adam Waheed (Pitch Please) and Daytime Emmy-winning producer/actor Jake Hunter (Class Act) will be part of the Youth Competition, which makes it eligible to the Best Youth Short Film award.

The screenings at REGARD will be followed by a Q&A session with director Nino Aldi, Canadian producer Patricia Chica and star Jake Hunter.

Tribes tells the story of an African American, an Arab-American and a white guy who try to rob a subway car. Because none of them wants to rob people of their own race, they start an escalating argument over self-identity. This leads the would-be bandits to continually divide the passengers into various ethnic, cultural and economic subgroups in an effort to find a class of people that none of them identify with – a group they can feel good about robbing. When the train arrives at the next station, no one expects that the situation would be reversed. Self-identity is truly a bitch.




Following its successful World Premiere at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival where Tribes was named by FOX TV Los Angeles the top #1 film to look out for. Film Threat gave it a score of 9/10.

To know more about Tribes, please follow the short on social media at @TribesTheMovie on Instagram and Facebook.


Director: Nino Aldi – @NinoAldi


Lead Actors and Producers:
Jake Hunter (Kevin) – @JakeHunterOfficial 
Destorm Power (Jamar) – @DeStorm
Adam Waheed (Amed) – @AdamW


Patricia Chica@Chicatronica

Jeion Green@JeionGreen 


Executive Producers: 

Jordan Taylor Wright@TaylorCutFilms

Will Meldman@wmeldman33


Hashtags: #TribesTheMovie #Regard2020

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