CUPIC Final Season: Mike Sliwa Talks about CUPICAZ and Final Season

CUPIC: Diary of an Investigator is a web series about a team of paranormal investigators based in Arizona. CUPIC is an acronym for Central Unidentified Phenomenon Investigation Committee.

Originally, the CUPIC story began with a series of short films that were produced from 1989 to 1991 that followed the investigations of Janet Raphael and Cynthia Young. The first series, “the McAllister Affair,” premiered in the fall of 1992, with three episodes completed. I continued to write episodes, short stories, and I also wrote a feature length episode. In late 1993, I gave the characters an organization, the Central Unidentified Investigation Committee, or C.U.P.I.C.

In 1996, I met Mike Sliwa at our mutual employer at the time, Best Buy, and we found that we both had the writing and filmmaking bug. a few years later, we produced our first short together, “A Long Walk Home,” which started our adventure into AZ filmmaking.

This current series premiered in 2011 and is now about to enter its final season. As the series draws to a close, we will be talking to some of the key players and find out about them and get their insight on the show.

Mike Sliwa is an actor, social justice activist, filmmaker, and a writer. He has been involved with our projects for twenty years.

We talked with Mike, the man who was involved with CUPIC-AZ from the beginning, in an interview we conducted last week, in my backyard.

CUPIC: Diary of an Investigator Seasons 1 & 2:



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