It’s August and time for a Perseid Shower!

Hey, itโ€™s August andโ€ฆ Guess what? Time for another Perseids meteor showerโ€ฆ

The Perseids reaches its peak activity on the night of August 11-12. A good number should be visible for a few nights before and after peak.

Theย Perseidsย are a prolificย meteor showerย associated with theย comet Swiftโ€“Tuttle.

The meteors are called the Perseids because the point from which theย radiant lies in theย constellationย Perseus.

The name is derived from the wordย Perseidai, meaning the sons ofย Perseusย inย Greek mythology.

Your best chance to see a significant number of Perseid meteors will most likely be during the predawn hours on August 12, but, you will have to deal with the light of a wide waning crescent moon.

You might try the mornings of August 11 and 13, you might see some Perseids then as well.

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