Category: The Unknown
Do Yetis Exists?
High in the Himalayan mountains, eyewitnesses have reported seeing a mysterious ape-like creature for centuries. It is called the Abominable Snowman or Yeti, and it supposedly inhabits this mountainous area. The stories have been passed down from generation to generation. Plaster cast of footprints were made, along with other samples purportedly from the mystery creature…
Mysterious booms are being heard across the United States, and so far no one has an answer. Are they separate events? Or are they related? Residents in Alabama, California, Idaho, Michigan and New Jersey have reported hearing the mysterious sounds. Some were saying that a possible explanation could be that meteors from the Leonid meteor…
This seems like a story out of Episode Six , Season One of the CUPIC series, but no, this was reality. But can call it foreshadowing if you want. Apparently, an incident occurred back on October 25, 2017, involving an unknown aircraft, pilots of airliners and the scrambling of fighter jets. Links:…
Contrails or Chemtrails?
Late on a breezy Sunday morning, I was preparing the outdoor barbecue grill for lunch. I noticed a pair of jet contrails and started to ponder the conspiracy theory of chemtrails.
A Hole in the Sky?
Back in February of 2015, I saw a series of strange holes that would appear in cloud layers above my house. I took several pictures of this phenomenon and after a bit of research and the help of a friend, I found out what these holes actually are.
`Oumuamua The Interstellar Visitor
Interstellar asteroid A small object designated 1I/2017 U1 visited our solar system a few weeks ago, giving astronomers data to scrutinize. The object has been given a name, ‘Oumuamua. Astronomers believe that it must have travel through space for millions of years before its chance encounter with our star system. Some astronomers at the Pan STARRS…
Residents of Okanogan County saw something unusual in the sky on November 16, 2017. They were staring at a drawing of male genitalia the was sketched by what is believed to be at least one Navy EA-18G Growler jet. US Navy officials have grounded the crew responsible for the obscene art work in the blue…
CUPIC: Diary of an Investigator: Revisiting Season One With Episode Five
Mysterious Aircraft: Episode Five Season One… In this episode we take a historical look at X-planes and famous UFO sightings. Is there a connection between experimental aircraft and certain UFO incidents? Dr. Nevin: Curt Bellfy Gavin Leoni: Mike Sliwa Eyewitness #1: Martin Sanchez Eyewitness #2: Brian Karr