Tag: Pentagon
Pentagon: No Evidence of Aliens… But Maybe? (video)
Senior administration officials were recently briefed by American intelligence ahead of the upcoming highly anticipated Pentagon report on aerial phenomena witnessed by Navy personnel which is due to be released on June 25, 2021. They claim to have found no evidence that the UFOs were alien spacecraft. But they couldn’t rule that out. More…
Pentagon UFO Report: No Evidence of Aliens, but Maybe?
The New York Times posted an article ahead of the Pentagon Report that will be released in a few weeks, about the origin of the recently reported and revealed encounters between the US Navy and unknown objects. The article, cowritten by NYT journalists Julian E. Barnes and Helene Cooper, stated that American intelligence officials…
Historic UFOPac.org Lifts Off
AUSTIN, Texas and LOS ANGELES — A bipartisan group of public affairs specialists and business leaders have joined together to launch UFOPac.org, believed to be the nation’s first bipartisan political action committee related to UFOs. The political action committee will be dedicated to organizing millions of like-minded Americans into an effort to persuade the governments to disclose, declassify, and…
Two Navy Pilots Saw a Fast Moving Object Over the Pacific
the Department of Defense revealed that back in 2007, $22 million out their $600 billion was spent on the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program initially funded at the request of U.S. Senator Harry Reid.